Divine Feminine

The sacred sexual energies are the reason for life. They allow us to flourish, and manifest the things that we want if used correctly. We have been lead down the rabbit hole of lies and deception, of societal programming, and denial by our leaders about these energies. We are currently experiencing a shift from masculine consciousness, to the divine feminine. And we all need to ground in the power of balance, balancing both energies within us.

The leaders, keep trying to slay the divine feminine, the demonizing of our great Mother sophia has caused much harm to our way of life, our evolution , and our people. We have forgot how to balance of both of these energies within ourselves, so the explosion of the masculine energies is occurring first of all within us, and being exposed through war, power struggles, and explosive energies. Pray to the divine mother, we honor you in all of your names. All the archetypes of the GODDESS … ISIS , SOPHIA, OYA, KALI, SHAKTI…Bring back our power!! We are ready for the destruction in honor of truth!!!!!! We are ready to leave this old paradigm, bring it on!

Ground yourselves in the power of your higher self, ground yourself to the connection of mother earth, for great changes are upon us! We need to remember our connection to this sacred planet, our mother. We need to remember the divine qualities in all beings, and learn to respect each other through understanding and openness to all. This is a time of great shifts, and we have all incarnated here to assist this shift. For we are no longer capable of living in these destructive ways, we are no longer capable of living life day by day, blindly following what societal leaders expect from us. We are ready, and we are here to change the world, together we stand, united we create, and divided we fall. Bless the masculine within, bless the feminine within, lets bring balance to all!


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