
Envision a spider web, connecting every thing in the universe to each other. Envision all the realities tied up together, all of us living at once, all of our emotions attached to each other, empathetic feeling some are not even aware of. Different minds, or different aspects of the collective unconscious? Only the tip of the ice berg is visible right now. Visible and not exactly easy to grasp. There are a couple of tips, and rounded out visions of the past, visible to the eye of some, but other are under the veil.

It is unusual for me to admit, that there was more than one voice in my head, a couple of minds within my mind. When i look within, or around…. i see the voices as nature… The spirits of nature have voices, but not all speak with words. Speaking their own truth, their own vibrational energy. Truth that to me, are pretty hard to understand. But i try, and i look, within the places that humans don’t usually go. They contribute in the ways the were made to, understanding the minds, or energies of the inter dimensional realities is the key to understanding the voices and minds within one self. By understanding the layers of minds within, you are able to control this reality better, and you will begin to navigate through the astral realms.

The act of gracefully walking upon our Mother Earth, Pachamama…. Is to connect with all these sacred realms, and realities. You see, there are many dimensions that exist simultaneously. Dimensions… walking through the house of mirrors, looking at our many reflections feeling our way out through the true door way… Because it may look like the path, but you will run into yourself, again and again. You are the only one in your way, and that mirror. The path of our own soul, our essence, our purpose, is the important way to walk, but many of us get lost before we find the exit.

The dimensions of plants will heal us, and are assisting in our evolution, listen. The beings on this earth are all here to be a part of the evolution of this planet. The dimensions of water are many, but all purifying and cleansing. Nurturing and flowing through giving her essence to all life. The dimensions of fire are passionate fiery, not all know how to navigate this one, but some are made of this essence more than other. And the fire within my heart, will always try and light up the fire within your heart. The dimensions of Air spinning through, and clarifying the space. Giving us pure air to breathe, may the spirits of the air be present and guide you home. Bringing the four winds back to the center, and we will be the change. And of course, all the different dimensional reality here on earth, be honored to witness such an intertwined beautiful reality. Gratitude will get us to the next step.


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