Envision a spider web, connecting every thing in the universe to each other. Envision all the realities tied up together, […]
Ayahuasca, the name comes from the language of Quechua, meaning the drink of the souls, or all souls drink. Here […]
Papa Eshu, may you open my roads, and bless my path. Protect my endeavors, and keep away my enemies. Papa, […]
The Divine mother, within us all, come forth and heal our pain. For our pain, comes from the loss of […]
The sacred sexual energies are the reason for life. They allow us to flourish, and manifest the things that we […]
Traveling inwards isn’t a journey most are ready to embark on. All the layers of our soul, and the depths […]
In the dark moments of getting your heart broken, you get to re-evaluate your life. Well, at least I can […]