Who we are

Amazon Roots

Bridging ancient indigenous wisdom with modern society to raise the consciousness of humanity. 

Our Mission

The Amazon Roots family, based in South Florida but extending its influence in many other areas of the world, stands as a beacon of dedication committed to indigenous and tribal ways of life and the revival of ceremonial healing practices. Within the sanctuary of our church and community, we cherish and honor the ancient wisdom of indigenous cultures, understanding the profound knowledge they possess about holistic healing, wellness and greater spiritual connectivity. Central to our mission are sacraments like ayahuasca, peyote, and other plant medicines, revered for their potent healing properties, yet our commitment extends far beyond these sacraments to sharing a way of living.

We seek to empower individuals and groups with the knowledge to reconnect with nature, fostering a deep respect for the environment and indigenous practices. Our efforts ripple across the globe, reminding people of their connection to their ancestral roots, their inherent connection to the Earth and the importance of preserving ancient wisdom in the face of modern challenges.

We actively work towards collective healing and wellness, understanding that true transformation happens through communal efforts. We offer various modalities that encompass not only plant medicines but also ancient wisdom traditions and indigenous practices, shamanic rites, meditation, and energy work and healing. By embracing diverse approaches, we cater to a wide range of needs, helping individuals find their unique paths to healing and consciousness.

Our global community acts as a catalyst for change, inspiring others to embrace indigenous wisdom and honor the sacredness of all life. By nurturing a sense of interconnectedness, we contribute not only to the well-being of the local community but also to the restoration of balance and consciousness on a global scale. Together, we strive to bring the world back to a state of wholeness, embracing the profound teachings of indigenous cultures and fostering a harmonious coexistence with the Earth and all its inhabitants.

Our Team

Juliana Yasa headdress


Juliana Yasa

Juliana Yasa is a youth spokesperson for the peoples of Planet Earth and the raising consciousness of humanity. Fighting for the rights of truth, liberty, and spiritual awakening, she has been called to awaken the sacred feminine power through her singing and meditations.

Her studies in African religions, astrology, yoga, ayurvedic medicine, breathing techniques. and different types of meditations, have allowed her to discover occult wisdoms within all of life forms, which brings a deep feminine intuition as well as balance into any work being done.

Her indigenous name, Yasa, was given to her by the leader of a tribe in the Amazon. Yasa means family and unity. It also represents the spreading of a seed, like the spreading of this new consciousness through these sacred ancestral practices. Her second spiritual name is Cuauhtlicoatl, which means Eagle Serpent Woman, this name was given on her fourth year at OllinTlahuiMetztli, a sacred ceremony led by Abuela Malinali.

Juliana Yasa has extensively studied the traditions of the Huni Kuin lineage, Native American traditions, and Yoruba. Juliana facilitates ceremonies around the world. Working with these sacred plant medicines, and prayer circles, she has been called to help the awakening of the Divine Feminine on this planet through different types of ceremonies and workshops.




Kiahuiteotl is a peyote roadman holding the altar in the lineage of Teocalli Quetzalcoatl for the past 14 years. 

Kia was born in Cali, Colombia in 1976. He started music at 4 years old and also started early on a path of martial arts and tai chi. Music and martial arts were the guiding force of his life throughout the next 13 years. He was admitted into a prestigious university to study Architecture and Art for a while until he found a connection with the Toltec path and left to follow these ways. The path dissolved him completely to be born again through the fire.

He completed his Vision Quest at 28 years old where he received his name that he carries. Kiahuitl (quiyahuitl) means “rain” or “storm” and teotl means “divine power”. He has the medicine of bringing the rain that purifies, the storm that brings sacred power and divine cleansing. As someone who had early experiences of street life, battles with addiction and even service in the army, he is no stranger to confrontation with intensity. He has learned how to harness the power of storms, reaping the wisdom of such experience to bring the sacred purifying waters down to cleanse and benefit of others.

Kia follows the ancient Toltec ways and walks upon the red road, working with both the Eagle and the Condor. As a peyote medicine man he is committed to carrying these sacraments to help raise the consciousness of humanity, and to being a wayshower for people to learn these ancient ways and to honor the sacredness of all life.

Drea Sylvester


Drea Sylvester

Drea, affectionately known as Abuela XiuhQuetzal, is a living testament to the power of dedication and compassion. As the esteemed Abuela of XiuhOzeloMetztli Moondance in Florida, her influence extends far beyond her immediate community. With boundless wisdom, expansive knowledge, and unwavering compassion, she has touched countless lives, serving as a beacon of inspiration and a steadfast guide to all fortunate enough to know her. Having dedicated 12 years to the sacred practice of Moondancing, she has walked the path of ceremony and ritual, finding profound connection and spiritual growth.

Drea’s journey is woven with a rich tapestry of talents and diverse experiences, guided by the sacred principles of the Red Road and the Medicine Path. Her four-year immersion in the vision quest with Fuego Sagrado Itzachilatlan has profoundly shaped her understanding of spirituality and holistic healing practices, leading her to become a dedicated Sundancer.

Through her mastery of Reiki and the art of sound healing, Drea curates a bespoke and transformative journey for her clients, unlocking a realm of profound healing and self-discovery.

Yet, Drea’s expertise transcends the spiritual realm. With over 15 years of cultivation experience, she stands as a seasoned herbalist and luminary in the medical cannabis industry. Her deep understanding of plant properties and their therapeutic potential culminates in the creation of personalized herbal remedies, each meticulously tailored to the unique needs of her clients.

As a Royal Thai Massage instructor, Drea’s passion for education shines through. She is wholeheartedly dedicated to imparting her wisdom and expertise to others. Her pedagogy transcends the mere mechanics of technique, delving into a profound understanding of the body and the extraordinary healing capacities inherent in human touch.

Drea’s journey is an ode to the profound impact a dedicated and compassionate soul can have on the world. She continues to enrich the lives of those fortunate enough to cross her path, leaving an indelible mark on the hearts of all who are touched by her grace.

How to Call a Prayer