This is what our community is saying about our work at Amazon Roots:

Charlie Robinson

I consider myself extremely blessed to be a part of this church and growing community since 2018. Juliana and Kia are true medicine people and visionaries that intimately walks the path of the ancient ones and honors and carries those traditions with great wisdom, dedication, love and care. As soon as I joined, I felt at home, welcomed and inspired through Juliana and Kia’s authenticity and the relationships I built here. I value how well everyone takes care of each other to help each other grow. I experienced much growth and healing on my journey participating with this church and got to witness many others do so as well. No matter what country, age, culture or race you are currently experiencing; you get to re-discover who you are and each other as one human family and how interconnected we are. They work with medicines that benefit all areas of life and the spiritual path for anyone. I participated in many communities on my journey and I consider this church a rare gem amongst them all. My life and well-being has only been enriched on a mental, emotional, physical and spiritual level in many abundant ways since I joined. I truly am humbled and grateful to have access to this family

Charlie Robinson

Transformational coach, 31

Abi Rose testimonial

I have been sitting with Amazon Roots Church since 2020, and the level of healing I’ve experienced with them during these past few years is nothing short of incredible. 

I’ve sat with them for Ayahuasca, Peyote, Kambo, Hampaya, Hapé, Sananga, and Temezcal. No matter what ceremony it is,

Juliana and Kia always provided me with a safe, healthy, and effective environment for me to confront some deep darkness within myself and my family line. My path was very winding and they were always so consistent in showing up with the light & making the medicine available so that I could find my way back home to myself.

Every ceremony was always created with so much love, attention, & intention. And their conscious community who show up to the events reflect their true reach. I’ve met so many incredible souls through their church who are beautiful embodiments of the medicine too. And everyone is always so willing to pitch in and help out.

Their work with the medicine reflects to me true integrity and passion for their mission on this planet, all while balancing 3 kids & their business. I don’t know how they do it. I learn so much from them in every interaction about how to be the best human I can be. And I’m so glad they have created this church.

Abi Rose

Holistic Health Practitioner, 28

Cortney Grubaugh Testimonial

I had an incredible first ayahuasca experience guided by Juliana. Her profound knowledge, wisdom, and guidance created a transformative journey that I will cherish forever. I look forward to many more experiences under her insightful guidance.

Cortney Grubaugh

Operations Director, 36

Testimonial goes here


Profession, 00